Sunday, December 13, 2015

Logo Writing Assignment: History of the Google Logo

History of the Google Logo
     For my logo design research writing assignment I chose to research the history of the google logo. As I am sure everyone is aware, Google is one of the most famous and most popular companies in the history of the world. In fact, it is ranked #2 just behind Apple. Being that it is such a huge company, its brand and logo are both extremely important and influential. 
     Google's logo has gone through roughly seven to eight changes and variations since it was founded on September 4th, 1998. But out of these seven changes, three of them stood out to me as the most distinct. We'll start in 1998, this first logo was created by Larry Page using a graphics program by the name of "GIMP". As you can tell, this logo has an exclamation point, and the color pattern was supposed to follow a primary color palette pattern but instead of having the "l" be a yellow, they changed it to a green, which is a secondary color. This was said to follow Google's brand DNA in that "it doesn't follow the rules". The next change was made in May, 1999 and consisted of a new, thinner, typeface. Also, the exclamation face was removed from before. This version of the logo would remain the same for about 11 years till the drop shadow was removed from the letters. In September 2013, Google went to more of a modern approach to their logo with a flatter design, and no more shadows or highlights. And recently, on August 31st, 2015 (Almost 4 months ago) Google, changed their logo once again, but this time it fashioned a completely different sans-serif typeface with a more geometric look to it rather than their old serif font which had a more playful look to it.

Final Logo Development: 3 Sketches

Identity Package [Light]

Identity Package [Dark]